Friday, March 23, 2018


Everyone has got a busy lifestyle, so it's March and kids are having school holidays but actually my eldest having daily tuition in school. Sharing is caring, with busy in and out of the house glad to share with you that there's New & Improve ProACNE Solution A.I. Clearing Treatment 40ml for  night use.


 This is how the packaging looks like and I have accepted the challenge of 14days using it to see the result. Scroll down to view my before and after photo. Even better you can view my daily photo in youtube channel.

 I started using the product on 5 March, it reduce comedonal acne in 2 weeks without drying out skin.
 New A.I Clearing treatment
  • Significant reduction of comedones and inflammatory lesions
  • Anti-bacterial efficacy against P.acnes
  • Significant reduction of pore size
  • 94% of subjects agree: skin appearance is visibly improved and even dark post-acne marks are reduced. 


 I tried it and it is not oily and not sticky, it is easy to apply just once daily in the evening or night.
Apply on cleansed face. Do not use this on children under 10 years old. Avoid contact with eyes!
A light stinging sensation can occur. Discontinue if irritation persists. The product may increase skin's sensitivity to the sun. Protect from the sun while using the product and for a week afterwards.

Clinical and Dermatological studies prove:
Good tolerability and efficacy on blemish prone skin. 
Suitable for sensitive skin. 

The product has 10% Hydroxy acid.
  • Contains AhA, BHA & PHA 
  • Highly effective combination of peeling agents Glycolic acid. Salicylic acid and Gluconolactone.
  • Strongly comedolytic and effective against P.acnes

A.I Innovation
  • The superior Soothing efficacy
  • Protect moisture lost
before and after 14 days of using it
Sharing is caring, using Eucerin® ProACNE A.I Clearing Treatment
- moisturizer for acne-prone skin
- moisturizer for oily
- acne-prone skin
- anti acne moisturizer

It has been formulated to reduce appearance of comedonal acne.
It is suitable for all mild to moderate forms of acne and has a triple effect:
the 10% Hydroxy Complex contains a highly effective combination of peeling agents -
Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Polyhydroxy Acid-
which help to resurface skin, unclog pores, reduce bacteria, remove dead skin cells and prevent new
blemishes from appearing. It visibly improves skin after just two weeks,
revealing clearer and smoother-looking skin over time. 

RRP at RM62.00

*Result may vary on individual.


Shalimar Yusof on March 25, 2018 at 4:10 PM said...

Wow..nice product...

5 Little Angels on March 29, 2018 at 9:20 PM said...

Sherry, can see a big different on your skin after you use it. I want to get 1 and hope it works on me too.

sitirohaida on March 29, 2018 at 9:30 PM said...

Ramai dah mencuba Eucerin ni.Nampak mereka berpuas hati sangat bila jerawat dah mula hilang.Nanti i pun nak cuba coz jerawat dah mula tumbuh ni..

Alia Farhan on March 29, 2018 at 9:31 PM said...

Yes...dis product is jerawat also gone like that after using it without even dryin my good as it claimed

Fiza Rahman on March 29, 2018 at 9:39 PM said...

Banyak jugak I baca review pasal product ni. Ramai yang bagi feedback positive. Rasa macam nak cuba lah.

adianiez AIDA on March 29, 2018 at 9:50 PM said...

Read few review regarding this product. The results are awesome. Just bought for my daughter 13 yrs old, a product. Pimples problem! If not ok, maybe I will try this one.

Ezna Khalili on March 29, 2018 at 10:15 PM said...

Chewahhh your face look so radiant ya after use. Actually I been looking for a good product for my daughter. Dia ada jerawat. So maybe I would buy this product for her.

Unknown on March 29, 2018 at 10:18 PM said...

Your testimonials really promising! I should try this really soon as im having breakouts and scars here and there. Plus i like a product that is not oily and sticky.

The Smell of Coffee on March 29, 2018 at 11:01 PM said...

It looks dissolve after a while and my skin so sensitive..perhaps this one would be suitable for me..recently my face has many pimple and very stress out with those..i definitely will try out later

cik tom on March 30, 2018 at 1:00 AM said...

wow the a big difference from day 1 till day 14..your skin look more healthier..make me tempting to try it too!

Suria Amanda on March 30, 2018 at 2:26 AM said...

i can see the different on your face, really good product..recommended to everyone who got the same problem with us

Ana Suhana on March 30, 2018 at 2:48 AM said...

I can see your skin looks more moisture after 14 days. I love the way this solution not too oily like other products. Easy to apply and to bring anywhere.

Zharif Azis on March 30, 2018 at 3:23 AM said...

So nice to see your testimony. It shows that this product is good in treating the acne. I should recommend this to my friends

mama tisya on March 30, 2018 at 4:04 AM said...

Nampak perbezaan dlm 14hari lps you guna produk ni.. Ada juga tgk beberapa blogger update berkenaan keberkesanan produk ni.. Tq for sharing

Del Asyraf on March 30, 2018 at 5:30 AM said...

Nice product for skin, especially for pimples. Ramai juga bagi feed back yang baik tentang produk ni. #done follow

Mimie on March 30, 2018 at 5:49 AM said...

Already used it. Memang best. Jerawat i pun kecut tau. And now jerawat dah takut nak tumbuh di muka

nikkhazami on March 30, 2018 at 6:44 AM said...

eucerin is well established. I bet everyone who has acne prone skin would love to have this

Emas Putih on March 30, 2018 at 6:56 AM said...

Nice product ! Uzu ada masalah pori-pori besar, oily skin, jerawat dan lain-lain. Hmmm taw taw nak buat mcm mana sbb byk kali g treatment still tak berkesan. Mungkin boleh try this product

HALIMAH BINTI MUHIDEN on March 30, 2018 at 7:21 AM said...

Baguskan product Eucerin nikan?

Syafiera Yamin on March 30, 2018 at 9:43 AM said...

yeah i agreed result mengikut kulit individu so far i suka sebab dia bantu kecutkan jerawat batu I... paling best parut semakin pudar within 14 days, sangat rekomen untuk yang suddenly PMS hihihih

cre8tone on April 2, 2018 at 1:28 AM said...

I like this product very much.. Tried for 14 days and really can c the improvement.....

Qaseh Dalia on April 4, 2018 at 12:30 AM said...

Good produk

zahris fattah on October 16, 2020 at 6:02 AM said...

yes me too, i use it for my breakout face and it reduce my pimple and also my parut lovee it

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